Prof. Roberto Zecca   Designer


Roberto Zecca (1946) after studying art and some apprenticeship years at the Graphic Marangio, from July 1963 he started his carreer as graphic designer, illustrator and interior designer promoting working relationships with the most qualified studies and printing companies in the region (Stucci Diffusion Bari, Spem Bari, Line 80 Company graphics Corato,Italgrafica South Bari), some of which he served as art director. In the early seventies he opened his own studio of design, advertising and interior design services.

For more than 30 years he has been associated with AIAP Italian Association of Creative and Visual Communication professionals, TP Italian Association of Advertising Professionals and BEDA European Bureau of European Designers Associations. His graphic works are published in some of the most qualified Italian yearbooks (Advertising in Italy, Omnibook and others). Among his main clients: Fidanzia Systems Architecture Exhibitions, Mario Mossa Jewellery, Romano Advertising Exhibit, Group F.lli Fiore Movers, Tecnoeleva platforms, Nicola Corsaro Roller shutters, Cianciola Groupage, Victor Village holiday complex, Svim Service Services technology and computer businesses, Edipuglia Publisher.

Since 1969 he’s Professor of Architectural Design and Architectural History in high school. During the last twenty years he has characterized his teaching activities with the promotion of experimental design methods tailored for the last three years of secondary schools students. Since 1999 he has devoted himself exclusively to architectural design, developing further his specific skills in the renovation of trulli, country houses and hystorical houses.

In his organization there are also Masters artisans (including the so-called “trullari”), Carpenters and Installers, brought together in an unique operational team able to finalise a complete renovation work from scratch to the final phase.

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